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Road to the NBA Playoffs: Data Points Teams Should Monitor
In the NBA, it’s not just a marketing cliche: the playoffs are a new season. Efforts are redoubled, coaches get more time to scout an...
Are Your Load Management Practices Optimized for Your Team?
Load management, a phrase first coined to describe the balancing of an electrical supply on a network, has since gone mainstream. In...
How to Treat Your Team’s Data Fatigue
The data revolution in sports hasn’t just arrived. It has been here. By now, it practically has its own parking spot and VIP box at the...
LiDAR Technology: It’s Not Just for the Biggest Professional Clubs
The notion of sports as the great meritocracy is a fine one in theory. But whoever conceived the idea never heard of Manchester United or...
The Sports Analytics Market Is Growing – What It Means for the NBA
True technological breakthroughs are rare in sports. What’s more, when they do occur, they tend not to burst through the tape at the...
Top Data Points Performance Managers Need to Monitor
Collecting and managing player performance data across sports has never been easier than it is today. With advantages like modern...
What Managers Can Learn from Tech Entrepreneurs
Whether you’re browsing the pages of Fast Company or FourFourTwo, it’s unlikely that you’ll find many comparisons of Jürgen Klopp to Elon...
What Managers and Coaches Want to Know About LiDAR
Pressure to win at the highest levels of professional sports can be smothering and all-consuming. Managers and coaches, knowing how few...
Are Lasers Set to Disrupt the Field of Sports Science?
The tech revolution in sports, in case you weren’t aware, is already well underway. From the performance technology and broadcast...
Why Cameras, GPS and RF Aren’t Enough to Accurately Measure Sports Performance
Technology has proven again and again its potential to affect and improve the sports industry and the games themselves, often by leaps...
LiDAR and Talent Management: What Premier League Coaches Need to Know
As LiDAR technology gradually penetrates the Premier League, along with other major sports organizations not known for their warm embrace...
How LiDAR Data Can Help with Injury Prevention
For many years, franchise success at the highest levels of sports sprang from the seeds of the talent evaluation department. The science...
Data Blind Spots: What Top Teams and Performance Managers Are Missing
Perhaps the most important development in professional sports so far this century has been the industry’s embrace of data. After finally...
How LIDAR Technology Can Enhance Sports Analytics
In “Moneyball,” the 2003 book authored by Michael Lewis and its 2011 film adaptation, a central tension drives the narrative – and has...
Wearables Versus LiDAR: Where Does the Future Lie?
Sports technology advances in fits and starts. In a space that traditionally has been conservative in its adoption of (and investment in)...
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